L&D Academy

Discover the world's best L&D and HR practices from industry-leading experts.

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About Academy

Knowledge only gets life if we share it!

L&D academy powered by AcademyOcean

Back on June 22, the AcademyOcean team launched “Coaching for Ukraine”, a learning initiative. Since then, we have hosted over 25 webinars with the world's best experts in learning and development, HR, and leadership.

L&D Acdemy preview

At the academy, we've gathered valuable insights from the project's speakers on:

Global L&D and HR trends 2023

Hybrid and remote team support

Transformation to e-learning

Change management

Leadership development

Let's unlock together the power of evidence-based learning

Join a new webinar series with scientists and experts in the evidence-based approach to learning to explore together:

Neuroscience for learning

Learners experience

Instructional design

and more

Happy employees

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